Computer Help for
Artists & Curators

Reasonable rates
Priced by the job or by the half hour ($30/hr)

Small jobs

> Prepare digital images for submission to juried shows, galleries, dealers, etc.
> Prepare text documents to accompany the above.

Bigger jobs

> Design your show on a computer by arranging to-scale artworks on to-scale show walls.
> Prepare e-books for presentations to galleries, competitions, publishers, colleagues, family, or friends.
> Organize your images.
> Design a new website or make changes to an existing one.

A few examples

1. You want to submit 10 digital images to the curator of a display space. You have the digital images, but you don’t know how to resize them and copy them onto a CD so they are easy to view.
2. You are having a postcard made and you want help preparing and sending files to the printer.
3. You went on a 3-week trip to Antarctica and have great pictures you’d like your friends to see. You want help selecting, resizing, and presenting them.

Over 30 years computer experience.
Easy to work with. All work guaranteed.

Paul Oratofsky • (212) 255-0838


Reasons to design your show on a computer:

> Pictures can be moved around easily to see different arrangements.
> You can save different versions to compare later.
> You can print out a potential arrangement to think about awhile.
> You can mail or email a potential arrangement to colleagues for opinions.
> You have time to consider your arrangement options.
> The show is automatically documented in the clearest way.
> You can easily present it to your boss, the artist(s), a publisher.

I can show you how to do it yourself for future shows.

PDF version of this information
